Taconic Hills School District 4th-6th Grade Elementary Running Club!
- 4th - 6th Grade After School Running club
- Program will be held from 2:40 – 3:55 PM
- Students will take the elementary 4:00 bus home, or be picked up at the elementary office at 3:55 p.m.
This program is open for 4th - 6th grade students ONLY. Students enrolled in this program will participate in a running program that will assist them in setting and reaching goals in running through various running events and games. This program will consist of 12 sessions (Tuesdays & Thursdays). Students are expected to attend ALL of the following sessions: April 26, 28; May 3, 5, 10, 12, 17, 19, 24, 26, 31 and June 2nd. The June 2nd date is the track meet at Mohonasen High School with a RAIN DATE of June 3rd - more details about the track meet TBA.
Placement in the program will be determined by a LOTTERY. If you would like your child to have an opportunity to be considered to participate in the program, fill out the form and return it to the elementary school office ASAP, but no later than Tuesday, April 11, 2022.
We plan to begin the program on April 26, 2022. You and your child will be notified of their acceptance in the program during the spring break. If you have an email please list it- most running club communication is done through email and a google classroom page.
Running Club Lottery Form Spring 2022
Thank you,
Mrs. Romero