Budget Documents for Fiscal Year 2018 - 2019
"Traditional Budget Approach" | |
Section 1: | Three Part Budget (Administrative, Program, Capital) A. Overview B. Three Part Component Analysis & Administrative Salary and Benefits Disclosure Statement [SED required] |
Section 2: | Tax Exemption Impact Report (NYS Real Property Assessor's Report - Prior Year File) A. S495 Exemption Impact Report District Summary (Percent of Value Exempted) B. S495 Exemption Impact Report District Detail (Individual Municipalities) |
Section 3: |
"Cost Center Approach" | |
Section 1: | A. Enrollment Projections (as of 4/25/2018) B. Monthly Enrollment & Enrollment Detail (as of 4/11/2018) |
Section 2: | A. Projected Class Size Averages (as of 4/11/2018) B. Staffing PreK-12 (as of 5/2/2018 |
Section 3: | A. Special Education (3/20/2018) |
Section 4: | Payroll & Benefits (as of 4/11/2018) |
Section 5: | Stipend Summary (as of 4/17/2018) |
Section 6: | A. Transportation (as of 3/14/2018) |
Section 7: | Buildings & Grounds (as of 3/14/2018) |
Section 8: | Technology (as of 3/14/2018) |
Section 9: | BOCES COSERS (Projected Services Request) |
Section 10: | Athletics (as of 4/9/2018) |
Section 11: | Revenues Projected (In addition to Tax Levy) A. State Aid (Detail) (as of 4/2/2018) B. State Aid Factors (Data as of Final Aid Projections 4/3/18) C. Projected Revenues (5/3/3018) |
Section 12: | Tax Levy Worksheet (as of 4/11/2018) Final Proposed Tax Levy – based upon Board of Education Projected Budget (as of 4/17/2018) |
Section 13: | Tax Levy Changes - Historical Patterns (5/2/2018) |
Section 14: | Total District Finances (unaudited) |
Section 15: | Contingency Budget & Impact on Voters (5/2/2018) |
Other Budget Information | 1. Budget Calendar | 2.Tax Levy Limit & Budget Overview (as of 1/18/2018) | 3.Budget Update and Tax Levy Options (as of 2/14/2018) | 4.Budget Adoption and Tax Levy Options (as of 3/14/2018) | 5.Budget Initiatives Update (as of 4/11/2018) | 6.Budget Update and Tax Levy Options (as of 04/11/2018) | 7.Final Budget and Tax Levy 2018-2019 (as of 4/17/2018) | 8.Property Tax Report Card [SED required] (as of 4/18/2018) | 9. Public Hearing on Budget (5/2/2018) |
Proposed Propositions | Proposition 1: 2018 – 2019 Budget Shall the Board of Education of the Taconic Hills Central School District be authorized to expend the sums set forth in the budget, for the 2018-2019 school year, in the amount of $38,739,392 and to levy the necessary tax therefore? Proposition 2: Election of Board member seats – Two (2) Vacancies To elect two (2) members of the Board of Education: two (2) members for five (5) year terms, commencing on July 1, 2018 and expiring on June 30, 2023, to succeed Joseph Costa and Kevin Maisenbacher whose terms expire on June 30, 2018. Candidates for Board of Education: David Baylen Proposition 3: Capital Improvement Project – Building & Site Improvements Shall the Board of Education be authorized to reconstruct various School District buildings and facilities, construct and reconstruct site work, and acquire original furnishings, equipment, machinery or apparatus at a maximum cost of $11,542,917; expend $4,438,230 from the Capital Reserve Fund; raise such sum (and the interest on obligations), taking into account state aid and the amount expended from the Capital Reserve Fund, by levying a tax to be collected in annual installments; and issue School District obligations in anticipation thereof in the principal amount not to exceed $7,104,687? Proposition 4: Capital Improvement Project – North Sports Complex If Proposition #3 is approved by the voters, shall the Board of Education be authorized to construct turf multi-sport fields at a maximum cost of $6,652,315; raise such sum (and the interest on obligations), taking into account state aid, by levying a tax to be collected in annual installments; and issue School District obligations in anticipation thereof in the principal amount not to exceed $6,652,315? Proposition 5: Purchase of School Vehicles and Buses Shall the Board of Education be authorized to: (a) acquire five (5) school vehicles and two (2) buses at a maximum aggregate cost of $404,800; (b) expend such sums for such purpose from unallocated fund balance; and (c) levy the necessary tax therefore, to be levied and collected in such amounts as may be determined by the Board of Education taking into account state aid received? Proposition 6: Capital Outlay Project Shall the Board of Education be authorized to: (1) replace an existing bus lift in the District’s Bus Garage, and (2) acquire original equipment, machinery or apparatus required for the purpose of making such repairs, at a maximum aggregate cost of $118,836; (3) expend $118,836 from the unappropriated fund balance for such purpose; and (4) deposit into the General Fund any state aid received from this project? |