Annual Notifications & Information
Please feel free to review the below annual notifications and general information.
If there is a notification that you would like published that is not listed below, please reach out to our Communications Department at
AIS Plan
We believe all students can learn. We believe students learn at different rates and in different ways. We believe some students will need additional assistance to meet this goal. Our AIS Plan was created for this purpose.
Animals on School Grounds Policy
BOE Policy: 8660
The Board of Education recognizes that animals have a proven education and therapeutic value, but also must consider the safety and well-being of the school population, visitors to the school, and the animals. Therefore, in consideration of the above, this policy provides information and guidance to school administrators, teachers, staff and parents about live animals in the classroom, and on campus in order to promote a healthy and safe learning environment for students.
This policy does not apply to service animals required under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, or the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). This policy also does not apply to service animals assigned to law enforcement or fire protection entities.
Any animals that are kept on campus or on campus for educational purposes must have an approved Animals On School Grounds Form signed and completed prior to the event.
Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR)
All parents or legal guardians have the right to obtain the Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) quality ratings and composite effectiveness scores for their child’s current teacher(s) and principal(s) once the scores are officially available in accordance with state law. To request the form, please contact the building principal of the school the child attends.
Asbestos Management Plan
In compliance with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), an asbestos re-inspection of Asbestos Containing Building Material (ACBM) is performed throughout the school. The inspection findings are in the Asbestos Re-inspection Binder and are located in the office of the Director of Facilities.
Attendance Policy
BOE Policy: 5100
Attendance is an important factor in school success for students. The education program offered by THCSD is based on student presence and requires continuity of instruction and classroom participation. The goal of our District’s attendance policy is to require and encourage students to come to school each day ready to learn.
Bell/Block Schedule
Taconic Hills operates on a one-bell schedule. Students in the Grades 7-12 will attend school in a 9-period day block schedule.
Building Use
Community use of district buildings is encouraged by the Board of Education. Fees are charged to defray associated expenses. Interested groups should make arrangements by completing our Building Use Google Form. Since facilities are used extensively by many groups, requests should be made as early as possible. Insurance coverage is required.
Cafeteria Menus
Taconic Hills is proud to provide free breakfast and lunch to all students.. Our mission is to provide varied and nutritious meals to the children and staff of our school district. All meals are served with fruit & milk.
Our Cafeteria Menus are posted monthly to our Food Services Webpage, as well as the dining section of our website.
Child Abuse Hotline Notification
If you suspect a child is being abused or maltreated (neglected), report it by calling 1-800-342-3720, a toll-free 24-hour hotline operated by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services. If you believe a child is in immediate danger, call 911 or your local police department. Information about reporting child abuse and maltreatment (neglect) is available online at the
Code of Conduct
The Taconic Hills School District has a long-standing set of expectations for conduct on school property and at school functions. These expectations are based on the principles of civility, mutual respect, citizenship, good character, tolerance, honesty and integrity.
The Board recognizes the need to clearly define the expectations for acceptable conduct on school property, to identify the possible consequences of unacceptable conduct, and to ensure that discipline, when necessary, is administered promptly and fairly.
Data Privacy & Security
District Data Protection Officer (DPO):
John Dodds, Director of Computer Technology
Phone: (518) 325-2877
The Taconic Hills Central School District is committed to preserving the security and integrity of student data. THCSD Parent's Bill of Rights
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA): The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students over 18 years of age certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. THCSD FERPRA Notice
Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA): The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) applies to the programs and activities of a state education agency (SEA), local education agency (LEA), or other recipient of funds under any program funded by the U.S. Department of Education. U.S. Dept of Education website regarding PPRA
Dignity for All Students Act (DASA)
The Dignity for All Students Act (DASA) seeks to provide New York students with a safe and supportive environment free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment, and bullying on school property, a school bus and/or at a school function.
District Comprehensive Improvement Plan (DCIP)
The priorities of our District Comprehensive Improvement Plan are as follow:
1. Creating strong partnerships amongst stakeholder in order to create a cohesive PK-12 school community
2. Preparing our PK-12 students with 21st century skills (3 C's) through high expectations and rigorous instruction, which includes teaching and learning practices that enable individuals to grow as independent learners and apply learning to real-world situations.
3. Cultivating an environment of affirmation and acceptance through development and support of a curriculum that is inclusive and addresses social emotional learning needs.
District Wide Safety Plan
Emergencies and violent incidents in school districts are critical issues that must be addressed in an expeditious and effective manner. School Districts are required to develop a District Wide School Safety Plan designed to prevent or minimize the effects of serious, violent incidents and emergencies and to facilitate the coordination of schools with local and county resources in the event of such incidents or emergencies.
Dominic Murray Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Act
The Dominic Murray Sudden Cardiac Arrest Prevention Act took effect on July 1, 2022 and was written to promote safe interscholastic athletics participation and to prevent incidents of Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) in student athletes. The law requires school districts to provide information to parents/guardians of student athletes before the student participates in any interscholastic athletics. In addition, the law requires coaches and teachers who coach athletic activities to have a valid certificate of completion of a first aid knowledge and skills course by a nationally recognized organization.
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was enacted in 2015, replacing the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2002. ESSA sets high standards and contains policies that help prepare all students for success in college and future careers. It prioritizes excellence and equity, and recognizes the importance of supporting great educators in our nation’s schools.
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students over 18 years of age certain rights with respect to the student’s education records.
Fire Inspection Information
THCSD undergoes annual fire safety inspections of all our buildings facilities for fire hazards which might endanger the lives of students, teachers, employees therein. To view THCSD’s annual fire inspection reports, please contact our Director of Facilties II, Nicholas Smith, at 518-325-2883 or
Grading Policy
BOE Policy: 4710
The Board of Education recognizes the importance of appropriately recording and monitoring the academic performance of students. Grading is a critical component to the successful assessment of a student's growth and progress. Grading practices illuminate the District's commitment to excellence, each educator's commitment to the success of every student and each student's commitment to maximize educational opportunities.
New York State Report Card
New York State Education Law requires school districts to make report card and accountability report information available on district websites.
Notification of Body Camera on School Resource Officer
Effective May 2021, any School Resource Deputy (SRD) who may be assigned to THCSD, will be wearing a body camera while on campus in accordance with the Columbia County Sheriff Department’s new body camera policy. This change has been initiated by the Department as the result of recent Police Reform Committee meetings. The body cameras are intended for general law enforcement needs outside of school; however, as Deputies in the Columbia County Sheriff’s Department, SRDs are required to wear one while on duty.
Parent's Bill of Rights for Data Security & Privacy
The Taconic Hills Central School District is committed to preserving the security and integrity of student data. As outlined in the Common Core Implementation Reform Act of 2014, the Taconic Hills Central School District publishes the following “Parents’ Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security” below:
The Taconic Hills Central School District does not sell or release a student’s personally identifiable information for any commercial purposes;
Parents have the right to inspect and review the complete contents of their child’s education record;
State and federal laws protect the confidentiality of personally identifiable information, and safeguards associated with industry standards and best practices, including but not limited to, encryption, firewalls, and password protection, must be in place when data is stored or transferred;
A complete list of all student data elements collected by the State will be available for public review both online and via regular mail from the State Education Department; and
Parents have the right to have complaints about possible breaches of student data addressed. Complaints may be submitted to the Superintendent of Schools by calling (518) 325-2892.
Pesticide Application Notice
The district is required by law to maintain a list of staff and persons in parental relation who wish to receive forty-eight (48) hour prior written notification of pesticide applications at relevant facilities.
Public Relations Use of Student Photos & Data
From time to time, school district officials may release student information (name, address, grade level, photograph, artwork, academic interest, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, terms of school attendance and graduation, awards received, future educational plans, etc.) for use in school district publications and within district websites and district social media sites, or to the media for public relations purposes.
Parents who object to the release of their child’s information and/or photograph should give written notice to the building principal.
School Comprehensive Education Plan (SCEP)
The commitments of our School Comprehensive Education Plan are as follow:
- creating strong partnerships amongst stakeholders in order to create a cohesive school community.
- preparing our students with 21st century skills through high expectations and rigorous instruction, which includes teaching and learning practices that enable individuals to grow as independent learners and apply learning to real-world situations.
- cultivating an environment of affirmation and acceptance through development and support of a curriculum that is inclusive and addresses social emotional learning needs.
SchoolTool / Parent Portal
Taconic Hills Central School District uses a web-based student management system called SchoolTool.
This system assists the district in managing its student data, which includes student contact information, attendance and report card grades. SchoolTool also includes a Parent Portal that will increase parent-teacher communication and will enable parents/guardians to review information regarding students and their progress.
Sexual Harrassment Policies
Sexual harassment is against federal and state law. The Board is committed to maintaining an educational and working environment free from such harassment, and therefore prohibits sexual harassment of students and employees in the district. The district will establish detailed policies and regulations for both students and employees which address definitions, protections, prohibited behavior (including retaliation), prevention activities, training/education, complaint reporting, investigations, and consequences.
0110.2: Non Discriminatrion & Anti Harassment of Employees
0111: Sexual Harassment Greivances Under Title IX
0115: Student Harassment and Bullying Prevention & Intervention
Smoking & Tobacco Use
Taconic Hills School District is a tobacco-free environment. The use of tobacco products by staff, parents or visitors is prohibited at all times within the school buildings or on school property. The use and possession of tobacco products by students is prohibited on all school properties and school sponsored events. These rules also apply to vaping and vaping products.
Special Education District Plan
The office of Pupil Personnel Services is a collaborative effort. It consists of administrators, classroom teachers, special education teachers, school psychologists, school social workers, speech and language therapists, related service providers, AND YOU, THE FAMILY, working together to help your child.
The Pupil Personnel Services Department includes oversight for Special Education, Section 504, Psychological/Counseling services, and Related Services. We offer many specially designed individualized services and programs to meet the unique needs of our students.
Student Laptop Contract
The Student Laptop Contract must be completed & signed by both the parent & student annually, before a laptop can be issued. This contract outlines prohibited activities while the laptop is in the care of student, and lists costs of replacement items if the laptop becomes damaged. Laptops & chargers are to be returned at the end of each school year.
Title I Parent & Family Engagement
THCSD believes that positive parent and family engagement is essential to student achievement, and thus encourages such participation in school educational planning and operations. We hold Family Engagement events throughout the year, which include activities & meals, as well as provides parents the opportunity to speak with our ESL (English Second Language) staff regarding their student.
These events are made possible through NYSED Title I Grant Funds.
Use of Service Animals
BOE Policy: 0100.1
The Board of Education of the Taconic Hills Central School District (the “District”) acknowledges its responsibility to permit an individual with a disability to be accompanied on school grounds by a service animal (as that term is described below). This policy is subject to restrictions permitted by state and federal law and any regulations and/or rules that may be established by the Superintendent of School of his/her designee.
Water Testing in Schools for Lead Levels
In 2016 New York State became the first in the nation to require schools to test all water outlets currently or potentially used for drinking or cooking purposes for lead levels. Water samples are to be sent to a state-approved lab for analysis. A second round of testing was required for 2020.
Weather Closings & Delays
The Superintendent of Schools has the authority to delay or close school. Information is provided to parents / guardians through email, text, phone call, Facebook, website pop-up, radio stations, and TV stations.