Friday Folder

March 21, 2025

Welcome to the Friday Folder, a weekly feature designed to highlight activities & events in the district.

Titan Strong Certificate Winners

Congratulations to this week's Titan Strong Certificate winners!

The CASEL’S SEL framework was used as the inspiration for the Titan Strong Certificates. The focus is on Self- Awareness, Self- Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, and Responsible Decision Making. Students and staff who exhibit behaviors from this framework receive a Titan Strong Certificate.

There are new winners every week!

Grades 3-6 Newsletter: March 17-21

Powered by Mrs. Rowe's 6th Grade Creative Writing Class!

Grade 3
In the third grade, the students are learning about how to do fractions in different forms during Math. In ELA, the third graders are doing state test prep and writing persuasive essays. Lastly during Science, the students are learning about the Water Cycle.

Grade 4
In Math, the fourth graders have finished comparing fractions. During Science, students have been learning about animal structures and functions. The fourth graders have been reading fiction and learning about theme during ELA. Finally in Social Studies, students have been learning about Native Americans.

Grade 5
During Science, the fifth grade students are completing cloud in a bottle Science investigations and finished the Earth's systems. In Math, the students are dividing decimals by whole numbers using a variety of strategies. The fifth graders are learning about Columbian Exchange during Social Studies. Lastly, in ELA students are reading non fiction articles and writing four point responses to show how they are similar.

Grade 6
This week in sixth grade Science, the students are learning about the water cycle. In ELA, the sixth graders are reading group books and working on ELA state test prep. Also they are working on argumentative essays. During Social Studies, they are continuing to learn about Ancient Greece. Lastly in math, the students are learning about PEMDAS.

Important Information
Word of the Week: Cite

After School Activities
- Homework Club: Monday-Thursday in Library
- Art Club: March 24
- AV Club: April 3
- Drama Club: March 24
- Animal Club: March 26

Students of the Month
- March students of the month will be revealed at the end of the month!

Upcoming Events
- Food Pantry Open 3PM-4PM: March 27, April 10, May 1 and 21, June 12

Coffee & Conversations with the Board of Education

Are you interested in becoming a board member? Wondering what the board of education is all about? Curious why one even exists?

Come join us for coffee & conversations on Wednesday, April 2nd from 6PM-7PM in our Board of Education Room.

We will discuss all of these topics and more with our Taconic Hills Board of Education.

No need to RSVP! Come enjoy the conversation with a hot beverage and a tasty danish!

2025-2026 District Calendar

The District Calendar for the 2025-2026 school year was approved at the March 19, 2025 Board of Education Meeting.

View the PDF here.

Scholastic Book Fair

The Taconic Hills Elementary Scholastic Book Fair, hosted by our PTO, is next week! This event is available for all students in grades headstart- 6.

This year’s event will run from March 24-28, 2025, with a special Family Night on March 25 from 3 PM to 8 PM. Bring the whole family to explore the fair and shop together with your student!

You can conveniently add funds to your student's "e-wallet" online, allowing them to make their own purchases during class visits to the fair. For more details, visit the Scholastic website here.

Additionally, the PTO is introducing a "Help a Friend" Piggy Bank, where donations will ensure that no student misses out on any PTO activities. Your generous contribution will help guarantee that every child can leave the book fair with a book from their wishlist! To donate, simply click here.

We are also seeking volunteers to help run the book fair and support these wonderful events. We’re proud to offer these experiences for our students, but we rely on the help of volunteers to make it all possible. If you'd like to lend a hand, please click here to sign up.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at

Thank you for your continued support!

Junior Parent Night

Please join our School Counselors for Junior Parent Night! There will be discussions regarding what your student's senior year will look like, how our counselors can help your family plan, and how to prepare at home for what your student decides to pursue after high school.

When? Wednesday, March 26th at 6PM
Where? High School Library

Please direct any questions to Mr. Purificato for last names beginning with the letters A-L, or Ms. Pytell for last names beginning with the letters M-Z.

We hope to see you there!

Middle School (Grades 7-8) Yearbook

Attention Junior High Students (Grades 7&8)!

Buy your 2025 Yearbook now!

The cost is $45. Click here to purchase.


Please contact Mr. Hutchinson or Ms. Posillico with any questions.

2025 Winter Arts & Crafts Festival


The 2025 Winter Arts & Crafts Festival will take place on Saturday, December 6th from 10AM-3PM.

We are currently looking for vendors! Cost is $35 for a spot.

Please contact Angela Webster for any inquiries or additional information.

Pre-K & Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year is NOW OPEN!

Pre-K & Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-26 school year is now open!!

PreK Eligibility Requirements:

  • child must turn 4 years old on or before December 1, 2025

  • child must be a resident of the district at the time of registration & thereafter

Kindergarten Registration for new families is also open!

Kindergarten Eligibility Requirements:

  • child must turn 5 years old on or before December 1, 2025

  • child must be a resident of the district at the time of registration & thereafter

We will also be hosting a Parent Night on Tuesday, April 8 2025. This will be a great opportunity for families to meet Principal Backlund, connect with the Pre-K and K teahers, and tour the elementary school. We will also cover how to support your child as they are transitioning from Pre-K to Kindergarten. RSVP by April 4 for Parent Night here.

Any questions regarding student registration should be directed to Karen Regina, District Registrar, at (518) 325-2806 or

Additional information regarding registration can be found on the student registration page of our website here.

FASNY Super Saturday March

Join us TOMORROW, March 22, 2025, at 10:30 am for a FREE IN-PERSON event: Princess & Protectors Tea Party! (RESERVATIONS REQUIRED)

Join our hostess, Queen Phoenix, and local female firefighters for a special tea party. Each princess or prince who attends will be able to go through the Jr. Firefighter Challenge course with these fierce and feminine firefighters. Attendees can also do a craft while enjoying “tea and crumpets” with our hometown heroes. Wear your finest princess or prince garb and join us for this royal occasion!

All activities are FREE and will be indoors. FREE admission to the Museum will also be offered to all who attend this special event. RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED FOR THIS EVENT and spots fill quickly, so call today: 518-822-1875 ext. 17.

Jaago Hudson: Survivor Support Guidebook

Jaago Hudson is a community-based organization dedicated to raising awareness surrounding sexual abuse and violence in the South Asian diaspora. Their work is focused on preventing social, and cultural norms that promote rape culture, gender-based violence, victim blaming, and protection of abusers.

They are hosting an event to celebrate the launch of their "survivor support guidebook", which is translated into 10 languages and will be available for free to all who attend the launch event.

The launch event will take place on Saturday, April 5th from 1:30PM to 4:30PM at the Spark of Hudson located at 502 Union St, Hudson, NY 12534.

Apply to be on the Board of Education!

Are you interested in helping shape the future of Taconic Hills? Become a candidate to join the TH Board of Education!

This year we have one (1) five-year term commencing on July 1, 2025 and expiring on June 30, 2030 to succeed Board Member Heidi Beneke-Main, whose term will expire on June 30, 2025.

For more information, please visit our School Board Member Election Information webpage here.

Applications are due no later than Monday, April 21st at 4:00PM

Food Pantry Dates

The Taconic Hills CSD Food Pantry will be open the following dates from 3PM-4PM in Room E102:

  • Thursday, March 27

  • Thursday, April 10

  • Thursday, May 1

  • Wednesday, May 21

  • Thursday, June 12

All Taconic Hills families are welcome!

Join the Cub Scouts

Cub Scout Pack 2130 is looking for Boys & Girls in Kindergarten-5th Grade to join!

Cub Scouting is a year round family oriented program designed for boys and girls who are in Kindergarten through 5th grade. Through this parent volunteer run program, we combine fun with education activities and lifelong values. Cub scouting is designed to support and encourage family and community involvement. Kids can join at any level.

Contact us at if your student is interested in joining!

We are Hiring Substitutes!

We are seeking the following:
- Substitute Food Service Worker ($16.00/hr)
- Substitute Bus Drivers ($23/hr)
- Substitute Bus Attendants ($16.00/hr)
- Substitute Teachers ($140-$168/day)

Click here to complete the application, and send to Eileen Olson, Human Resources Coordinator at

we are hiring clipart

More Information

Community & Parent Resources

Visit our Community & Parent Resources page for information regarding mental health, local food pantries, Columbia Opportunities' Headstart Program, and more.

comm resources

Mobile Crisis Assessment Team (MCAT)

Emergency Mental Health Service
8 a.m. - 10 p.m. 7 days a week
- On-site face-to face mental health assessments
- Referrals to available services
- Follow-up from psychiatric hospitalizations
- Wellness calls when someone is concerned
- Phone assessments
- Consultations


Taconic Hills Elementary PTO
The Taconic Hills Elementary PTO has a Facebook page and new website! Please follow these pages to see all of the ideas and fun activities we have planned for your children. We would also love for you to join us. We meet the 1st Thursday of every month at 2:50pm in E146, and would love to see you there and hear any ideas that you might have. Contact us at

SchoolTool App

Download and set up the SchoolTool App on your phone or tablet

SchoolTool App

Athletic Calendar

Check out the schedule for upcoming sporting events.


Taconic Hills CSD App

Download the Taconic Hills CSD App to access school information, cafeteria menus, news updates, and emergency notifications

Download for iPhone
Download for Android

If you have something you would like to add, send an email to and we will share it with the school community. You can also send comments/feedback by email.
Make sure you check the District Calendar for up to date events coming to school.