Why must my child/children wait outside 5 minutes before their scheduled pick up time?
Bus routes run on a schedule, if we have to wait at each stop for 1 minute for a child to come out of the house and board the bus we will be adding additional time to the bus route. For example if there are 20 children on the bus route and we wait 1 minute for each child that will add an additional 20 minutes to the bus route. Please always reinforce the fact that children should never chase a moving bus, this is very dangerous!
What time will my child/children be picked up if there is a 1-hour or 2 hour delay for school?
The pick up time will be 1 hour or 2 hours later than the normally scheduled pick up time for the child, depending on the delay for that day.
Why are notes necessary for my child to get off the bus at a different bus stop?
Children have an assigned bus stop. If they are to disembark at a different stop, the school needs to verify that the parent has given permission for this to happen. The note also needs an actual address, not just Grandma’s house or Jane’s house. If a child does not have note, they will be sent to the bus to take them to their assigned stop.
Can live animals be transported on the bus?
The answer is no! If the animal were to get loose on the bus it could cause a major distraction for the driver. This in turn could cause a possible accident.
Are skateboards, skis, snowboards, sleds, school projects fundraiser packages, etc. allowed on the bus?
No! Students must be able to either hold the item on their lap or put it under the seat. Items may not block the aisle or emergency exits in the event that they may need to be accessed.
If my child is having children come home with them and it is a different stop do I need to notify the transportation office?
Yes, some of the busses are loaded to capacity and if extra children are going to ride the bus we may need to make some adjustments to accommodate the extra students.
Is there a lost and found?
The drivers will keep items on the bus for several days, normally. If your child has lost an item please have them check with the driver as soon as you realize the item is missing. After several days the drivers will either place the items in the school lost and found or bring it into the transportation office.
Must I meet my elementary student's bus in the afternoon?
Headstart, Pre-Kindergarten, and Kindergarten children must be met by a parent or another responsible adult otherwise the child will not be allowed to disembark from the bus. If there will be adults other than the parents, transportation would like to have a list so that the driver will know who has authorization to accept the child.
How do I become a school bus driver?
You must first obtain a learner's permit for a CDL-B with a passenger, air brake and S endorsement. After you obtain a permit we will happily train you and take you for your road test. Upon passing the road test you are required to take a physical, be fingerprinted, perform a physical performance test and attend a 2 hour preservice. During your first year of employment you will be required to attend a 30 hour basic school bus driver course.
Where do I find the schedule for summer school and summer enrichment?
These schedules will be posted on the website in June.
Transportation Department
112 County Route 11A, Craryville, NY 12521
Bobbie-Jo Mato
Supervisor of Transportation
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