Yondr Pouches

Today, students in Grades 7-12 received their Yondr Pouches during class town hall meetings. Dr. Teator and Mrs. Dellea provided a thorough overview of the pouches and addressed student concerns. Clear expectations were outlined for placing devices in the pouches, along with the protocol for unlocking them at the end of the day. Students had the opportunity to ask questions and receive clarification. Our goal is for students to view these pouches as tools that enhance their learning experience, rather than as a form of punishment or limitation. We aim to reduce distractions so our students can better concentrate and engage in class, as well as foster face-to-face conversations with one another.

As this process is new for both students and staff, the district will be closely monitoring how students adapt, and we will continue to welcome feedback from students and families as we address any challenges that arise. The dismissal process today using the pouches went smoothly, with students unlocking their devices quickly and efficiently, demonstrating a positive start. We encourage families to approach this new initiative with an open mind and hope that you will continue to support us as we navigate this transition together.