NYSED Grades 3-8 Testing Update

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Spring testing season is coming soon, and we want to remind you about the upcoming New York State 3-8 Assessments. Students in these grades will take English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics tests. Students in Grades 5 and 8 will also take a Science test. In addition, students learning English in Kindergarten through Grade 12 will take the New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT).

We expect all students to take these assessments. The results help us improve our teaching and give students practice with important testing skills. We have adjusted the test dates from the district calendar to avoid testing fatigue and allow enough time for make-up tests. The ELA and Math tests have changed in recent years:

  • Grades 3-8: ELA and Math Assessments (two sessions)

  • Grades 5 & 8: Science Assessment takes (one session)

  • The test length depends on the student’s grade level

  • Students can take as much time as they need to finish

2025 NYS Assessment Schedule


Administration Dates

Make-up Dates

English Language Arts (ELA)

Grades 3,4,7 and 8- April 7th and 8th 

 Grades 5 and 6- April 9th and 10th 

All Grades

April 9th -May 15th


Grades 3 and 4- May 5th and 6th 

Grades 5,6, 7 and 8- May 8th and 9th   

All Grades

April 9th -May 15th

Science Grades 5&8

Grade 5 and Grade 8- April 30th

All Grades

April 9th -May 15th


Speaking Window Dates

Listening, Reading, & Writing Window Dates


Monday, April 14 - Friday, May 23

Monday, May 12 - Friday, May 23

Here are some suggestions to help your child be successful during testing:

  • Please avoid making appointments or other planned absences during the tests/make-up dates.

  • Please ensure your child has a good night’s sleep before each test date. 

  • Encourage your child to take advantage of our school breakfast to get a healthy start to the day.

  • Encourage your child to do their best!

  • Make sure your child arrives at school on time.

For more information about the NYS assessments, please review the resources below:

Fact Sheet on NYS Assessments

New York State Grades 3-8 Testing Program Question Sampler

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your continued partnership in your child’s education. 


Laura Backlund
 PreK-2 Principal                

Mary D’Amico
3-6 Principal        

Michael Teator
7-12 Principal        

Darby Dellea
7-12 Assistant Principal