Senator Hinchey Ag Week

On Friday afternoon, Senator Hinchey visited Mrs. Brantley’s 2nd-grade class to help conclude their Agriculture Week with Cornell Cooperative Extension. Senator Hinchey read The Pie That Molly Grew by Sue Heavenrich, sparking excitement about farming and food.🌱🥰

After the reading, students teamed up with Cornell Cooperative Extension to make a pumpkin pie-themed dip using pumpkin purée, oat milk, a vegan pudding mix, and pumpkin pie spices. The students dipped graham crackers into their creation—some were big fans, others not so much, but everyone was brave enough to try it!

A huge thank you to Senator Hinchey and Cornell Cooperative Extension for making last week sweet as pie!🥧❤

Hinchey Ag Week 2

Hinchey Ag Week 3

Hinchey Ag Week 4

Hinchey 5