Given the high transmission of COVID-19 in Columbia County, the Taconic Hills Central School District will require masks for all faculty, staff, students, visitors and vendors.
Appropriate face masks (masks that are at least two-ply, fit snugly and cover both the nose and mouth) must be worn at all times in all buildings, regardless of vaccination status. This change reflects the recommendations of the CDC both for schools and for all indoor public settings in areas of substantial or high transmission.
Physical distancing of at least three feet must also be maintained between all individuals. For unvaccinated adults, distancing of at least six feet must be maintained. Masks and distancing are part of a layered mitigation effort to reduce the spread the Delta variant.
Vaccination continues to be the most important tool for mitigating risks associated with COVID-19. If you are eligible but have not been vaccinated, please consider doing so. It is the most important thing you can do for your own health and safety and for those students and staff who can’t be vaccinated.
A list of vaccine availability can be found at: