Winter Awards

Award winners and some highlights of the season from the Winter Athletic Awards Ceremony:

1st row bottom (left to right:
Leo Plaza, Samantha Henderson, Kassidy Carrasquillo, Faith Judisky, Lia Ingram, Keyon Holmes
2nd row: Anthony Genovese, Haley Olson, Emma Avenia, Colin Brackett, Robert Burns Jr.
3rd row:  Charlie Beck, Ben Hunter, Adonias Mercado, Sydney Cooper, Tyler Peck
Missing:  Tony Morales

Award Winners:
V VB:  MVP-Adonias Mercado; Coach’s Award-Ben Hunter
V Bowling: MVP-Anthony Genovese; Coach’s Award- Tony Morales
V Swim: MVP Emma Avenia; Coach’s Award- Leo Plaza
V Wrestling: MVP-Robert Burns Jr.; Coach’s Award- Colin Brackett
V Cheer: Coach’s Award Lia Ingram and Faith Judisky
V Girls Basketball: Coach’s Award-Sydney Cooper
V Boys Basketball: Coach’s Award- Charlie Beck
V Alpine Ski: MVP-Haley Olson
JV Girls BB:  Hustle Award-Sam Henderson; MIP-Kassidy Carrasquillo
JV Boys BB: Hustle Award- Tyler Peck; Sportsmanship- Keyon Holmes

V Girls Swim- Southern Division Co-Champions in the Berkshire League. 
Leo Plaza set a new school record in the 100 FLY with a time of 1:08.2.
Neil Howard III qualified this season to participate in swim sectionals as well as set new school swim record in the 50 Free of 52.13 seconds. Neil also competed in States in Indoor Track & Field. At this competition, Neil tied for 2nd for the state and 3rd in the federation in Pole Vault with a 14’6” jump 
Robert Burns Jr. finished 3rd in Class C Wrestling sectionals and 5th at State Qualifiers
Colin Brackett finished 4th in Class C Wrestling sectionals
The V Boys Volleyball team was seeded 2nd in Class C sectionals and participated at the semi-finals.
Sydney Cooper and Charlie Beck  are both Section 2 Basketball Scholar Athletes
Our Ski team also participated in sectionals, where Haley Olson and Tyler Mulrein finished 16th and 13th, respectively in the Slalom out of all the skiers in section 2 
Anthony Genovese bowled his personal best with a 697 triple.

Scholar Athlete Teams for the winter season: 
V Girls BB, V Boys BB, V Swim, V Alpine Ski, V Bowling, V Boys VB