Dear Taconic Hills Central School District faculty, staff, family, and friends:
The Taconic Hills Central School District (THCSD) Educational Enrichment Fund, the “E” Fund of Berkshire Taconic Community Foundation, will hold its 16th annual benefit golf tournament on May 7, 2022, at the Undermountain Golf Course. Funds from this benefit golf tournament will go to complete an endowment fund for THCSD’s Student Travel Fund that will enable students to attend meetings, conferences, and activities away from the school district.
The tournament will be a 9-hole best-ball scramble, teams of two players, featuring four groups: men’s, women’s, and couples. There will also be a Putting Contest open to everyone, even if not registered for the tournament. Putting contest prizes will be awarded separately. Registration will be at 9:30 AM, tee time at 10:00 AM. A bagged lunch will be included along with soft drinks prior to the awards ceremony.
Registration forms are available at the school main entrances at Taconic Hills Central School District and at the Undermountain Golf Course. For information contact Undermountain Golf Course, 518-329-4444.
Dr. Jed P. Luchow, Chairperson
BTCF/THCSD Educational Enrichment Fund
“E” Fund Golf Tournament Event Coordinator