The Columbia County School Queen contest is back! Taconic Hills will be represented by Jacqueline Arre.
"The School Queen Contest returns to the Columbia County Fair’s North Gate Stage after a two year absence Friday, September 2 at 5:30 p.m. This popular event, with a roster of active and talented young women, marks a longstanding Columbia County Fair tradition that has continued for more than 80 years.
Contestants, who will be entering their senior year in high school, are chosen by representatives of the county’s six public high schools. They will compete for the title and top prize of $500; all others receive $300 each.
Muriel Faxon and Edgar Acevedo are superintendents of the contest. Ms. Faxon is pleased to announce that this year, the winner will be crowned by the 1975 Queen, Donna Moore. “It’s a way of honoring our past and all the young women who have come before,” she said.
The newly designated Queen will appear in the Firefighters Parade the following day, Saturday, September 3. The event is sponsored by the C-GCC Dean of Students." - Columbia County Fair Facebook page